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A Night To Remmember

Saturday, April 10, 2010

hari yg sgt pelik. seriously. haha, langgar everythin', sampai2 je dah langgar dinding ?
ish, perlu ke ? and langgar everyone, again, and again, and again (=.=') pg surau, langgar boots org pulak. bagus sgt la tu. HAHA. Nvm, spend time dgn korang dah kire okey la tu. best je <3
yg paling tk thn sekali, pilih movie randomly. tk pernah2 buat bende gile tu, tetibe rase nk buat. pelik je. then, amik ha! dpt cite melayu. love story pulak tu. seriously ? tu la, lain kali nk pilih random pun, kene pilih random (english movie only) ingt tu korang! haha

me : seriously random ?
them : tk kesah pun
me : love story melayu? btol ke korang ni?
them : okey je

(?) : nk beli popcorn ?
me : oh, lupe pulak. korang nk?
tasnim, (?) : tk kesah
me : apee tu, tk kesah tu nk ke tak ?
tasnim, (?) : tk kesah
me : ish, korang ni, asyik2 tk kesah je. kalau mcm tu aku kesah!
nisa : aku pun kesah :D
me : jom nisa kite pg beli, dieorg tk yah mkn. ;p

last2 semua pg je dkt kaunter tu. and semua tetibe jd kesah and semua order.
haha. lawak je.

it is truly a night to remmber,
and it is one of my most treasured moment
in my life.
thanks to you.